Friday, May 30, 2014


We traveled to Northern Ireland today, the city of Belfast.  This post is a little late in getting up, but better late than never!  I have tried to write this blog several times and keep getting interrupted.  Here it is finally!  The day started early in the am with a bus ride from Dublin to Belfast.  It didn't seem to take too long and when we arrived our agenda was ready to go.  Our fearless leader Jan has had this trip well organized and planned out.  Our first order of business was to see the dry dock where the Titanic was created.  This dry dock and legend left behind of the Titanic is quite impressive!  We didn't get a lot of time to explore the dry dock and I believe it is something worth checking out for anyone who ever has the chance.

After this we had several entrepreneurial speakers lined up to present to our class, one of whom has been a big game changer for Ireland.  He helped bring in and was a key influencer in making Ireland a hub for the fiber optics.  The other speakers were of outstanding as well.  But in the spirit of making things fresh and new, I have some bullet points of what I think are important take aways from the different presentations.  These take aways relate to both being an effective leader and also relate to being an entrepreneur.
  • Be a life long learner and be a life long learner of Leadership
  • Continue to reshape yourself as a leader intentionally.  Listen, Learn, then lead.  Rinse and repeat.
  • Find people you can lean on and can deeply trust.  Those who will remind you of who you are and what you are capable of.
  • Discipline requires a constant effort.  And every aspect of life requires good discipline.  Our human nature goes naturally against discipline and fights it every inch of the way.  Yet, whether it is having the discipline to work out, eat healthy, or be a good leader, it always requires of us to have discipline in each and every aspect of our lives.  If you really want to have effective change in a particular area of your life, you have to force yourself into the mode of being disciplined to make it happen.
  • In the beginning! - A nugget of an idea becomes a product and eventfully a business
  • No one ever seems to raise enough money.  The takeaway - always seek to raise more money.  Do it early, do it often, and raise more than you think you need.
  • Fail Early and Fail Often
      • “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
  • Pour energy ONLY into building “the best customer experience” you can
  • The first 10 hires will make or break your business - Its okay to say no
  • A CEO is NOT a glamorous position - no friends and you must be first to go home at the office party
  • Business Consultant usually have only ever studied the history of running a business - do not let them over influence your own judgement
  • Do not let work come between you and your health.  Exercise and leave work at the office
The last part of the day was great too.  We went to a local Irish Restaurant and Pub for dinner.  The food was great, and I loved the Burger I tried there.  They do burgers right here for sure, but certainly tastes a lot different from the burgers we have back home!  We had a band that jived there, and the only way to describe it is with video and pictures.  Enjoy! :)
The jiving band as I like to call them. Just a family get together at the pub to jam out!

Below, our brewskis
These pictures are posted up on the walls and I think depict some interesting traits about Northern Ireland and the things they have been through. But don't let my words overpower these very powerful photos.
Below is dessert. A traditional Irish toffee caramel one with vanilla ice cream...sooooo good!!
Our second stop

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